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Our trainers and instructors are through professional associations

(IFMA-MTBD-WAKO-IKBF) and or LSB licensed.

They receive regular training and further education.

We also take the training assignment in Muaythai very seriously.

Our professional associations have a well-structured training for competitors, coaches, judges and examiners.

Muay Thai camps and training in Thailand complete the offer.

Founding member of the national association:

Alexander Dibaba Khan 14.png

January update  2022

  Trial training sessions or external access are possible again after prior notification (with GG plus).

Unannounced visitors - accompanied are not allowed access to the hall.

We ask for your understanding.

Anfrage für das Probetraining

Wir melden uns bei Dir 

Änderung 23. Mai 2024

Wir bieten wieder Probetraining an.

Jeweils montags in den Zeiten:

u16 17:00 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr 

ü16 18:45 Uhr bis 20:45 Uhr 

Solltest Du bereits fundierte Kampfsporterfahrung haben (Kickboxen oder Muaythai), so lass uns das bitte wissen. Wir melden uns bei Dir.

Unangemeldet ist kein Training möglich!

Wir sind da, für Deinen Erfolg 



Performance center for Muaythai and K1 RLP 




  • Ihr müsst Euch zum Probetraining über unser Portal anmelden. Ihr erhaltet dann eine E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. 

  • Solltest Du keine E-Mail erhalten, bitte hier runterladen.

  • Equipment-Wir haben alles für Euch vor Ort, kurze Hose und T-Shirt reichen - Trinken bringt Ihr bitte mit.

  • Im Probetraining seid Ihr selbstverständlich versichert.

  • Wir machen kein Kickboxen, kein Fitnessboxen, kein MMA nur Muaythai! Vermitteln Euch aber gerne einen Kontakt.

  • Wettkämpfe sind keine Pflicht bei uns.

  • Ja, alle müssen beim Sparring im Training mitmachen

  • Muaythai eignet sich für jede Altersklasse, solange man dazu körperlich fähig ist. Im Zweifel, frag Deinen Arzt-in. 

  • Religionen und Politik sind bei uns Tabu, jede-er trainiert unvoreingenommen miteinander. Männer und Frauen zusammen.

  • Ja Thaiboxen / Kampfsport tut auch mal weh, so ist das eben im Vollkontaktsport, sei Dir dessen bitte bewusst. Gerade die Eltern der Minderjährigen. sh. Email bei Anmeldung

  • Viele Kinderärzte empfehlen Kampfsport im Allgemeinen. Das ist auch gut so, allerdings gibt es dafür extra ausgebildete Spezialisten, die auf solche Thematiken ausgelegt sind ..wir sind Fachtrainer-innen die an Leistungssport interessiert sind. Gerne vermitteln wir auch hier einen Kontakt.

und NEIN wir bieten keine Selbstverteidigungskurse stundenweise an.

Please read 

Our gym rules

Our rules - please read before the first training participation.

Muay Thai is a character sport! It is forbidden to use it outside of the statutory self-defense law. A fighter knows his strength! He knows that there is no art in defeating someone who has not mastered this martial art with the techniques we have learned.

Everyone has to behave fairly and in a sporting manner. It must not be condescending  Comments about other martial arts/gyms/schools or coaches are to be made and treated with respect.

Upon entry (contract) into the department, each fighter is obliged to purchase their own protective equipment and bring it with them to every training session. These include tooth, groin, chest protection (ladies), shinbones, elbows and head protection. Bandages and boxing gloves (>12 Oz) are also necessary for the practice of the sport.

For athletes under the age of 18, the coach will want to have an interview with a parent.

Our training facility is video and audio monitored, live access or retrieval of recordings is only possible for the department head.

Before the training

Taking performance-enhancing drugs, drugs, gene doping, etc. is strictly forbidden. All members are subject to the guidelines of NADA / WADA! A violation discovered and proven by the B Sample may result in a lifetime ban. lead to criminal proceedings under civil law. NO DOPING!!!

Respect for one another is important to us: When entering and leaving the room, the partner and the trainer must be greeted.

Punctuality is the prerequisite for trouble-free training! That is why everyone has moved to appear in the training room at the start of the official training times.

Training clothing must be worn in a clean and tidy condition and must also comply with the gym's safety standards. among other things, pants must not have pockets so that your toes do not get caught in them.

Training equipment must be approved by the trainer before use.

While the training

The coaches and trainers are to be treated with respect. Your instructions must be followed.

Speeches and private conversations are prohibited during the training!

All attention during training should be given to the exercises and the trainer.  


No jewelry such as rings, chains, earrings, piercings, watches or similar may be worn during training. The toenails must be very short to prevent injuries.

Swearing etc is forbidden during training.

After training

The training room will only be left with the permission of the trainer.

This applies in particular to young people under the age of 18. These must be picked up by the parents. If this is not possible, the parents must inform the trainer before the start of the training and clarify the collection.

Participation in training:

Students should show up regularly for training.

Violations of these rules will be punished with training bans up to and including immediate loss of group membership.

The trainers, department heads and the team decide who will be included in the team. Aggressive, disrespectful and unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We reserve the right to decide who we train.

  Membership in the umbrella organization (MTBD eV) is compulsory for all athletes.

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